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Pneuservis J&R Kopecký Valašské Meziříčí

pneuservis, pneuservis osobních vozidel, pneuservis dodávkových vozidel, pneuservis lehkých nákladních automobilů letní pneu, zimní pneu, prodej pneumatik, secure plyn, seřízení geometrie, drobné opravy vozidel - rychloservis

Sledujeme novinky v oboru, držíme se aktuálních trendů a investujeme do moderních technologií. Pro své klienty připravujeme stále něco nového!

Zaměřujeme se na kvalitu práce a nabízených služeb. Nabízíme kvalitní služby za příznivou cenu a osobní přístup ke každému zákazníkovi.

V moderním pneuservisu zajišťujeme komplexní nabídku služeb a produktů. Provádíme pneuservis, huštění pneumatik, seřízení geometrie, mytí pneu, drobné opravy vozidel.

Hledáte kompletní a spolehlivý pneuservis ve Valašském Meziříčí?

Pneuservis Kopecký je to správné řešení.


Heading style 1

Investment management is the core of our services. With totals for the assets we this is strong text manage rocketing up to $18 billion, all acquired primarily through referrals, our team has a thorough and seasoned experience managing money in both bull and bear markets. We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

Heading style 2

Investment management is the core of our services. With totals for the assets we manage this is inline link rocketing up to $18 billion, all acquired primarily through referrals, our team has a thorough and seasoned experience managing money in both bull and bear markets. We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

Heading style 3

Investment management is the core of our services. With totals for the assets we manage rocketing up this is marked out text to $18 billion, all acquired primarily through referrals, our team has a thorough and seasoned experience managing money in both bull and bear markets. We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

Heading style 4

Investment management is the core of our services. With totals for the assets we manage rocketing up to $18 billion, all acquired primarily through referrals, our team has a thorough and seasoned experience managing money in both bull and bear markets. We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

Heading style 5

Investment management is the core of our services. With totals for the assets we manage rocketing up to $18 billion, all acquired primarily through referrals, our team has a thorough and seasoned experience managing money in both bull and bear markets. We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

Heading style 6

Investment management is the core of our services. With totals for the assets we manage rocketing up to $18 billion, all acquired primarily through referrals, our team has a thorough and seasoned experience managing money in both bull and bear markets. We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

Our company’s investment committee focuses on money-effective, after-tax results, recognizing that the only performance that matters is the amount of income and ROI that a client eventually

Most clients hire us to compose a business plan for them. But very often they find that the process they go through is more important than those documents themselves. Our business planning process is quick, thorough, and very inclusive. Though more structurally sophisticated businesses (which often includes IT technologies or any other unique business assets, unusual or multiple revenue streams) may require more time to be processed and assessed by our team.

We never experiment with our clients’ money,but rather use the “safe bet” scenario. Also we never do not invest based on a hunch. For most of our clients, the focus is capital preservation followed by growth, but each client has different needs and unique circumstances. We analyze all aspects of a client’s current financial situation and desired outcomes prior to constructing a portfolio.

  • Equity Venture Fund
  • Professionalism
  • Business Advisory Board
  • Investment Opportunities
  1. Equity Venture Fund
  2. Taxes, Estate and Property
  3. Business Advisory Board
  4. Investment Opportunities

Tab Title 3

We will cooperate closely with your team to develop your entire business plan. Whether it’ll be an “investment fund pitch” or an “exit strategy.” We never use a “template” business plan format. Any business plan we’ve developed was individually crafted to meet each specific situation or niche. Unlike many of our competitors, we will gladly go through multiple iterations for developing your business plan. We understand that the first draft is rarely perfect. A good business plan must always incorporate such a stage as an independent research on the market and the competition. We usually compile a detailed list of multiple options for your choice. We are business plan advisors, not just business plan “ghost writers”. If your business plan is to get an investment, we’ll evaluate it from the standpoint of a prospective investor. Our experience allows us to quickly detect weak points and fix them long before you meet with your first investor. The consultants we provide become a part of your own team for awhile. All while being just as dedicated to your success. Be sure that no matter how straightforward or multi-layered your business model is, we will figure it out.

Tab Title 2

We will cooperate closely with your team to develop your entire business plan. Whether it’ll be an “investment fund pitch” or an “exit strategy.” We never use a “template” business plan format. Any business plan we’ve developed was individually crafted to meet each specific situation or niche. Unlike many of our competitors, we will gladly go through multiple iterations for developing your business plan. We understand that the first draft is rarely perfect. A good business plan must always incorporate such a stage as an independent research on the market and the competition. We usually compile a detailed list of multiple options for your choice. We are business plan advisors, not just business plan “ghost writers”. If your business plan is to get an investment, we’ll evaluate it from the standpoint of a prospective investor. Our experience allows us to quickly detect weak points and fix them long before you meet with your first investor. The consultants we provide become a part of your own team for awhile. All while being just as dedicated to your success. Be sure that no matter how straightforward or multi-layered your business model is, we will figure it out.

Tab Title 1

We will cooperate closely with your team to develop your entire business plan. Whether it’ll be an “investment fund pitch” or an “exit strategy.” We never use a “template” business plan format. Any business plan we’ve developed was individually crafted to meet each specific situation or niche. Unlike many of our competitors, we will gladly go through multiple iterations for developing your business plan. We understand that the first draft is rarely perfect. A good business plan must always incorporate such a stage as an independent research on the market and the competition. We usually compile a detailed list of multiple options for your choice. We are business plan advisors, not just business plan “ghost writers”. If your business plan is to get an investment, we’ll evaluate it from the standpoint of a prospective investor. Our experience allows us to quickly detect weak points and fix them long before you meet with your first investor. The consultants we provide become a part of your own team for awhile. All while being just as dedicated to your success. Be sure that no matter how straightforward or multi-layered your business model is, we will figure it out.

Hemy 809
757 01 Valašské Meziříčí

IČ: 70235937
DIČ: CZ6810231428

571 616 809

Otevírací doba
Pneuservis Kopecký Valašské Meziříčí

po 7:30 – 16:00
út 7:30 – 16:00
st 7:30 – 16:00
čt 7:30 – 16:00
pá 7:30 – 16:00

V sobotu otevřeno pouze v období:
1. 4. - 31. 5. a 1. 10. - 30. 11.
so 7:30 – 11:00

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